Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Himachal Pradesh – The Most Sought After Tourist Destination

Few places in the world are as richly endowed as Himachal Pradesh. Low rolling hills, just a couple of hundred meters above sea level, climb to touch the core of the Himalayan Mountains. Here lie peaks that are several thousand meters high and never lose their perennial snows. Rivers in deep gorges and placid mountain lakes, thick forests and the splendid heights of the Himalayan ranges, with its great scenic beauty and aura of spiritual calm seem the natural home of the Gods. SKIL proposes to develop Tourism-led Infrastructure in Himachal Pradesh. This is one of the largest comprehensive infrastructure initiatives in the state.

The development of each site is being planned & finalized after studying various factors viz. geographical conditions, soil, terrain, development in vicinity, proximity to major commercial centers, connectivity, etc. These sites will be developed in project-specific SPV’s. However, considering the synergies between all these sites and since these projects are complementing each other for economic sustainability, the development activity at the sites is planned simultaneously.

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