Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Green Tourism

It is recognised that Tourism is the worlds largest industry BUT – it has a poor reputation in terms of its impact on the Environment. Most of us can think of a few areas of concern, but here are some others that have been identified by the World Travel & Tourism Environmental Research Centre.

Changing land-use patterns and consequent changes in ecological systems i.e. loss of open space, wild life habitats, flora/fauna.
Emissions, litter, sewage, hazardous and other waster products.
Pressure on heritage and other cultural and natural resources from visitor numbers.
Increasing densities of development leading to congestion and overcrowding, especially at peak times.
Uniformity of structures and buildings and lack of respect for architectural harmony and load materials.
Competitive pressure from Travel and Tourism businesses for scare local resources and infrastructure such as transport facilities, water and other utilities.
Undermining of cultural practices and tradition.
Marine, terrain and climatic change induced in some areas by tourist usage e.g. beaches or ski resorts.

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