Thursday, April 2, 2009


I am an opera buff, and had long wanted to visit the famous Opera House in Sydney Harbor. When we decided to go “Down Under”, I pre arranged to attend a performance of Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”, one of my favorites. We sat in the 5th row, center. Best seats in the house. And I couldn't’t hear!
The acoustics are as bad as the place is beautiful. Seems they were way over budget before they even finished the exterior of the building, so by the time they got to the interior of the place, with a new architect hired to replace the original guy who couldn't’t stay in budget, they were forced to compromise on the acoustical baffling inside the hall itself.It isn't just the Opera House that is architecturally striking- Sydney Harbor makes a gorgeous setting for any building!
There is a lot to see and do on the coasts of Australia, but very little in between. In the Sydney area, we went to a wildlife preserve where Nancy, who is naturally taken to animals, was totally captivated by this small Koala bear cub.

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